Monitoring partners offers a broad range of video service.
Video Verification: False alarms and false alarm fines have become a major problem in the alarm industry. Many police departments are demanding some form of verification prior to dispatch or major fines for false alarm dispatches.
With Monitoring Partners video verification services you can tie into existing cameras or install new ones. Alarms are transmitted with the signal and a variable amount of video from before during and after the alarm.
The video is fully integrated in the central station allowing the operator to see what went on and make a real determination before dispatching. The operator can even go live if they wish.
The video is stored in the alarm log and available to the police, dealer or customer.
Remote Management Services: This service allows the customer to connect from anywhere to their store or home and view live video. Ideal for owners who wish to check on their business or homeowners who want to look in on the baby sitter. The possibilities with video are endless.