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Monitoring Partners provides its dealers with a simple and easy to use method of placing customers on and off test and of verifying the signals sent during the test thru a touch tone phone or a WAP enabled phone.

The dealer is supplied with a special phone number to call and a dealer number that identifies the dealer. When the alarm company technician calls the number a recording asks for the dealer number, a pas code and the customers account number you wish to work with. You may place all or part of the system in test at this point for a variable time period.

Once the panel has been placed in test you may proceed to make repairs or to test devices. After you are through with your work you may recall the Voice Response Terminal and access all of the signals that were transmitted while you were in test. At this point you may either end the test or extend the test for an additional period.

The WAP Phone performs the same services but does it on a telephone screen of a WAP enabled phone.

The Voice response Terminal or WAP is an easy to use service saving you time and money by not having to deal with the central station.